Saturday, 27 December 2014

Share Your Blessings!

          Holiday season is here. Looking back on the whole year 2014, we could realise that we have been so blessed all throughout the year for we are showered with lavished gifts everyday all through the year. We try to look back since we started the year and we recalled that the month of January was full of meaningful blessings. From the gifts of friendships we shared with others most notably with our loved ones up the established relationships we had with others, they helped us realise that after all, life is so wonderful to live by.

imagecreditVladimir Kramer

          The succeeding months were all full of memories as we went on with our various routines in life, we embraced with what is truthful in life that this journey is not all made of sweet memories and that at times, we were confronted with difficult situations and challenging people but thanks to our Gift giver, we were able to hurdle them all and allowed ourselves to grow more maturely and optimistic in life. 

          Moreover, the 2nd half of the year started with the months of July, August and September then we tried to recollect our past journeys and assessed intricately our journey. The people we encountered have helped us to reassert our goal in life and moved ahead positively. Such journey was a tedious one but it was made light and wonderful by all the wonderful memories we shared with our loved ones. 

          Then finally, the last quarter of the year came and we ushered a feeling of expectation as we started to be excited with the coming holidays ---looking ahead for these days wherein we can be freed from all our pressures from work. No matter how limited the season is but every experience we make and share with others last a lifetime. Thus, with so much fun, it is so worthwhile to realise that this life constantly ought to be shared with others.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

How Do We Cope With Illness?

          One of the given definitions about illness is when something is not okay with the body. (Source) Thus, from day to day experience, we could tell that one way or the other we have experienced this normal predicament to life. However, I know that it is always not easy when we are confronted with illness either mild or not. 

          Experience wise would tell us that we have various coping mechanisms when it comes to dealing with them. Among these ways are submission, surrender, downhearted etc.. To deal with these three, let us share some common sceneries with them. First on submission, it means that we completely or partly submitted our self to the illness. There is that element of being able to accept it and somehow, we are ready for whatever development it will give to us. 

          By the way, there are types of illness also like the shorter duration ones such as mild headache, stomachache etc. while there are also long lasting ones like complications due to cancer, tuberculosis, sprained ankle and others. However no matter what type of illness we have but what counts most is our attitude towards it. Of course, the manner of facing it is clearly different when it is shorter or a longer duration one. 

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          Anyway, the second given coping mechanism is surrender something similar to the first one which is submission. Surrender is when we all leave to God and to the assigned physicians the way the illness is being treated and faced. Like for example when someone is diagnosed with a terminal illness, he could surrender it by accepting it as a part of his life journey. 

          The last one that we will share is downhearted meaning we allow ourselves to be negatively affected due to the impact of the illness to our body and to our life. This one is more on the negative side since without knowing it, our body can be influenced much by the negative effect that such reaction could give to it. And when we are down, try to feel and you will discover that gradually, we will also lose the will to move on and hang on to life. 

          Hence, among the three mechanisms that we singled out here, we should choose one that could help us cope positively with the illness. We should constantly remember that our attitude towards the illness is an additional factor that can help us get out of it.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

How To Share Positive Energy To Others

          As  human beings, it is but a basic need for you and me to possess that sense of respect and self dignity. This could be attained in different ways like achieving our goals in life, building relationships and sharing positive energies with others. 

          I recently read an article by an HR expert named Susan Heathfield and she's talking about how then could we show appreciation on others in the workplace. I think that situation  is but similar to our day to day living. To quote a few of what she shared on her article, here are 3 ways to make other people happy.

1. "Praise something your coworker has done well" - Source:

          And in fact, if we will apply that to our everyday living, that is exactly one of our basic needs- recognition. We need affirmation and we receive that when other give praise and recognition to whatever positive and constructive thing that we accomplished. Meanwhile,to give praise is not really difficult yet at times, what stop us from doing so is our own insecurity that instead of praising the other person for what he/she has done, unknowingly or knowingly, we want to receive it on ourselves. The challenge therefore is how to stay humble and be generous in sharing these praises.

2. "Say THANK YOU. Show your appreciation for others' hard work and contributions." - Source:

          In relation to giving praises, learn as well to express gratitude to whatever good deeds others may have done to you and to others. For some it is a difficult thing to do yet if it becomes a habit then this could then be a simple task to do. And it takes a day to day practice to be able to do it by heart.

3. "Ask your coworkers about their family, their hobby, their weekend or a special event they attended." - Source:

          Through this process, it shows your interest on the other person. Building relationships is a long time process and even small details need to be given essence so that they will emerge as motivators to strengthen the connection. Yes, it could be true that several things consistenty pre- occupy each of our days however if we value our inter-relationships with others then we need to exert extra effort so as to give them importance and that includes knowing anything that is special to them.

          To end, those 3 above are but just a few of the ways in order for us to develop our relationship with others. No one among us can exist and live by his/her lonesome. We need each other so we will also make efforts to build bridges so that we can cross each other's life (but never to overdo anything).

Author's Note:
Susan Heathfield- expert on Human Resources and author of Top 10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Employees

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Courage Through Faith

imagecredit: Flordeliza Bernardino Eyles

          Struggles in life come in so innumerable forms. Nobody could ever deny that but somehow those who survive their trials will claim that they are able to do so owing to the fact that they hold in themselves that firm and constant faith in their God. Everyday in our life, we experience different situations- some are merely trivial ones yet others could become so significant that if ever we reflect on them, we will realise though that they emerge as our pathway to be strong in this battlefield of life. 

         Constantly dealing with the everyday challenges of life, we feel that at times, we can't go on anymore...that it is too much for us to continue with this kind of life so full of trials and sufferings. On the other hand, it is then in this moment of emptiness and desolation that we are in need of somebody else to make us strong and firm. 

          Thus comes our conviction and faith on our God. And no matter what name we attribute to this God, in His eyes, we are all the same....we are all special in His love that no one will be neglected and set aside. Nevertheless it is but fitting for us to express to Him our gratitude for the gift of strength and perseverance for these two virtues allow us to move ahead and get up every time we fall down due to problems and inconsistencies in life. 

Friday, 19 September 2014

Positive Thinking: Learn How To Use It

          Just a while ago, I came across on some notes about the power of positive thinking. In order to learn from them, allow me to share some of them to you:

"1. Understand the benefits of being a positive thinker;
2. Take responsibility of your attitude;
3. Make a plan to stop being a negative thinker;
4. Try music, read books about inspirational life stories and avoid being with people who are negative thinkers." - Source:

          So here they are...four of those tips which can help you to get rid of that negativity in your mind and in your heart. There's nobody else who can assist you to improve in your life except you yourself. You need to instil in your mind that being a positive thinker allows you to hurdle those trials that come your way. 
          On the other hand, never look back and merely linger on those painful moments in your life for they will just cause you to be down and out. Instead focus on those bright moments in your life......those memories that allowed you to laugh without inhibitions at all...moments that enabled you to become a normal human person. 

          Remember constantly: never blame anybody for whatever negative chapter you have in your journey. Be brave enough to consider defeats in certain moments in life as well as unafraid to get up from falling down. After a hard day's rain, the sun will always shine. Give back those positive energy to others and let the world smile on you. 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Welcoming a New Month

          It's the 10th of August yet I believe that as we all welcome each new month that comes our way, let us also be grateful for each new day that is given to us. Looking back on our life, each moment always brings us delight and contentment most notably if we learn to appreciate each moment. Every day, we encounter so different people and each one of them allows us to add colours to our journey.

          The moment we wake up to embrace the bountiful blessings of each new day, we also allow ourselves to continue with each own development. Therefore each and every moment must be welcomed with open arms for it brings us surprises. Somehow along the course of our unique and individual journey, we also come in contact with somewhat unpleasant experiences. But we have no control over these  circumstances and they would somehow hurt us and bring us into woundedness. 


          Learn then to welcome each new month and everything that it offers even the negative circumstances since by so doing, we can also learn something positive from them. If properly handled, they would probably allow us to become stronger accordingly. At times, we need other people to guide and enlighten us. We need others to show us the way for in certain circumstances we are blinded by the impact of the negative experience to our life.

          As a result, the beauty that each day brings will be wholly appreciated and will enable us to have that state of excitement as we prepare to meet another day. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Be Inspired!

          As each day unfolds, we are leave with so many opportunities to be happy. Thus allow me to share with you some means of inspirations that will usher us into gladness and satisfaction in life. I am sharing you this video and from it you can fill yourself with various quotes on happiness. Enjoy them and feel them inside of you.


          Anyway, I know that those who have watched this video have received inspirations from them. Hope you can find time to share them here.

Personally, I would  share these insights as my inspirations while reading these quotes here.

a.  I love mankind, it is people I can't stand.- Charles Monroe Schultz .......i would agree with this since as a human being, we have that need to be connected with one another. Yet at times, we can't help it but be affected and disturbed by others who have weird outlook about life and about humanity. Anyway we are all free and what goes along with this freedoms is our responsibility to treat each human individual with dignity and respect.

b. Always forgive your enemies.- We could not deny that no matter how kind and trustworthy we are but there would still be people out there who will come out to dislike us. As they said, we can't please everybody thus we ought to choose what then can make us happy, contented and fulfilled in life.

c. I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members- Groucho Marx- We all need a support group in our life. One of our basic needs is that of being accepted hence it is but natural for us to look for a group, community, club etc that can accept us in all our humanity no matter how unique or simple we are.

          That's all folks that I can share with you. Hope that I can also hear some inspirations coming from your own reflections. Any comment is very much welcomed.

Friday, 11 July 2014

My Week's Activities

           Another week....another set of remarkable experiences....experiences that would allow me to look back and express gratitude for everything that has come and go in my life. Indeed this "wine" deserves to be shared with others....yes this very own life that is so treasured and precious.

           After spending the five days this week in work, I can express that life is so wonderful since it has been a wonderful week for me. Being able to fulfil my commitment to my work and being able to contribute to the company gives me a positive feeling of being worthy of all the attention and affection by my mates.
           The moments I spent with my loved one- my wife is always the best of all my times this week. That in spite and in the midst of all my other weekly and daily activities as well as responsibilities, I always see to it that I am able to fulfil my responsibility to my wife especially by giving her the attention and care that she rightly deserves all her life.

        On the other hand, my time spend with my mates and others whom I have encountered in the duration of this week contributed to this week being another  fantabulous week. With all these experiences, the more than I am looking forward to each week that comes my way.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Life's Journey

          Everyday as we go on trekking each of our journeys, we come up with so many experiences, realisations, actuations, failures, successes etc. As each day unfolds, we are showered with events that will enable us to continue our self discovery. However, when we look back on our past events , we found out that many of those previous moments were left to the sidelines.

          We failed therefore to appreciate whatever they are supposed to give to us. Everything boils down to our capacity to dig deeper into ourselves and confront even the most deepest part of us and check how is the situation down there. Every journey that ends becomes an important part of our life story. And every character on each of our stories deserves to be recognised thus no matter how positive or negative our previous chapter, yet we still need to be grateful for all throughout their presence in us, they bring us into a more enlightening self-knowledge.

         Hence, let us all learn to embrace every moment of this life journey and be happy for every unfolding since it allows us to realise further our potentials. Live life to the fullest.

Friday, 20 June 2014


         MAKEAWINE....that's exactly the title of my 8th blog. As my friends know, I am a great lover of write ups thus it dawned on me that as long as I am able, I will also continue to share my talents on writing through my blogs.

                                                      Derek W. Keats for

          Make a Wine---- with this title, what I am trying to extend to my readers is the idea of sharing ---that's exactly the spirit behind a wine...that its "meat" and "essence" has to be shared with others and with this blog, my writings go down to all levels of humanity and society. 

          Thus, I am excited again to share my reflections, thoughts, ideas, readings etc. to all of you my readers and hopefully we can journey together into a world full of joy and life. At times, I will also make use of movie themes to share with you something positive about LIFE.

          Enjoy reading and let's share together the "WINE" of life.