Covid- 19- this is the dreaded pandemic that is causing so much negatives issues, troubles, stresses, conflicts etc in our precious world today. Covid- 19- the name derived itself with the year it started in 2019 and sadly, it is still very much ongoing nowadays. The world has so much changed since it commenced. Now the so called new normal is when you see people wearing face mask and face shield or wearing all the necessary PPEs (personal protective equipment especially) while walking on the streets, or while at work or inside the malls.

Further the pandemic has caused so much chaos on this already chaotic world. Lucky for those few countries which are not severely affected by it yet the vast majority is. Harsh effects are experienced by so many such as lives and livelihood are gone. Poorer countries suffer the most but even the so called rich and first world nations, they are also suffering the same fate as that of others. The virus is so consistent and lethal that it penetrates both rich and poor alike.
Along the way, one positive thing that came out is the development of the vaccine to fight against this virus. Pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson etc raced to develop the vaccine. Consequently, the world witnessed the emergence of the various types of drug to combat Covid - 19 such as mRNA (Pfizer), viral sector (Aztrazeneca), mRNA (Moderna) and others. Somehow the decision to have or not the vaccine is still left on each individual ( though in other countries or working places, they are making it compulsory for their members to have the jab).
With this scenario, it now boils down to what the virus can do to humankind rather than just focusing on what the vaccine can do to the person. According to reports, after effects of the vaccine may differ from one person to the other and this may take the form of a flu, a headache, body pain etc going to the serious ones like blood clotting.
Yet again, a realisation should boil down on each individual that presently, what counts most is his wellbeing as well as that of others. Hopefully more people will decide to have the vaccine so that even if Covid - 19 will continue to exist yet if vaccinated, one then is protected against it.
NB: Special thanks to Vince for suggesting this topic for my reflection.