Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Life's Surprises and Man's Awareness

            As we embrace each single day, we are so lucky to constantly receive surprises each day. May it be a simple greetings from a long lost friend or a simple gift from a relative, or it could be a simple gesture of kindness from a total stranger...yet the element of surprise is always present. BUT let us always remember that it could only become as such if we also allow ourselves to be conscious of the element of being a surprise. 

          Sometimes, we think that LIFE is already so predictable. that we already think of the things that will happen before us...in the process we lose the element of surprise to all those unfolding of reality around us. Remember always that life becomes an interesting journey when there is that element of surprise that goes to it. 

         Thus, even though you can already detect what comes next in an activity or in an event but still, learn to put a suspense to it so that life will continue to be full of surprises each day. 

Friday, 29 January 2016

Being Grateful in Life

          As we are nearing to the end of January, allow ourselves a space and then let us try to recall all our activities for this month. Even when we started this month, we already received wonderful things day in and day out. In fact, all the bountiful blessings that we treasured are beyond any price for they are so worthwhile and precious. And as we continue with our journey, they will also become a special part of our book of life that no matter what will happen in the near future, we always have something to look back and say to ourselves, " How lucky we are to have received such blessings....." 

          Consequently, it is also but fitting for all of us to be thankful for everything that we have enjoyed this month. In those busy events in our life, it is beneficial if we can find time to look back all those past events and also have time to be grateful to those people who have, in one way or the other, journeyed with us tirelessly during the month.

imagecredit: https://pixabay.com/en/green-park-season-nature-outdoor-1072828/

          As they said, life is a give and take process thus telling us that we need each other and that no one among us can live alone. I pity those who are so boastful among themselves and allow pride to ruin their lives and their relationships with others. Time will come that they will realise that not all in life is about money and fame. These things are important but they are not the ideal ones which could give us real happiness. 

         Hence, as we end this month, let us spend some time to thank those people who have shared their lives with us.