Friday, 27 February 2015

The Beauty of Each New Day

           As each new day passes by, everything that comprised it indeed becomes a concrete manifestation of how blessed we are. From the initial activity that we have like waking up, the sharing early morning breakfast with our loved ones and even at work, everything is placed on its proper place. The energy we receive from our mates as well hence gives us that positive vibes from them. That's our personal experience- that when we and those people around us are  showing positive vibrations, tasks and relationships tend to become light.

          Moreover, I constantly believe that the moment that we radiate positive aura to others, we will also receive similar aura in exchange. Being positive goes along with one's ability to stay focus in all things to be accomplished.

              Hence, it is with such awe and thanksgiving that I thank this God for ushering me to stay focus in everything that I do each day of my life. And may this be my prayer that I will unceasingly focus on each thing and moment  so that I can also obtain special and treasured moments  in both my relationships and tasks.