Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Outcome of Parents' Separation

          Nowadays it is undeniable that parents of certain families separate due to several factors. Even when I was still handling retreats and recollections both to high school and college students, I have heard of sad stories of my students that at times, I was in the middle of my sharing then suddenly, a student cried heavily for she remembered the separation of her parents and its painful effects on her and her siblings.

imagecredit: Erwin Doriman-Australia

          I'm not in the position to judge them especially the parents but somehow, I pity those innocent children who become the ones severely and harshly affected by the event. Of course, no one can deny that in any marriage or relationship of similar attributes, challenges and trials are present but the matter should be brought to harmony for the sake of the children. 

          To this effect, the children become lost and what is worse is when they will also grow without learning how to love genuinely. At times, they grow as problematic kids then later on as adults but who can blame them if on this ordeal, they have nobody to guide and accompany them. Most of the time, parents' separation result to negative effects on the children and everyone should try to prevent this sad reality to happen for the sake, wellbeing and future of the children.  

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Listening to Music

          One of my favourite past times is listening to music. Though at this point in time, my music preferences have changed with the cadence of the time yet it still is one of my outlet so as to be able to recharge from a hard day's work. As I see it everyday, there are several stressful situations that we encounter and at the end of the day, if we are not that creative, we could end up too tired and too lazy to get up for the next day's activities. 

                      photo credit: Wide Street with Jacaranda Trees, Pretoria via photopin(license)

         Listening to music also allows me to appreciate the whole of it like lyrics, melody, background features, etc.. Remember that there are just similar notes being utilised in any song but it is so amazing to realise how the composer and arranger make everything in harmony with each other.

         Life then is like a music...it needs to be in constant harmony with both its internal and external dynamics. When one part is not in congruence with the rest then it could lead and start something undesirable. Hence,  it is always beneficial both for the person himself and for those outside of him to be in constant harmony so that peace and growth are attainable

         Enjoy your weekend everyone.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Learning to Gamble in Life

          Just recently, I made some discussions with good friends (Rod, Den and Jen) about various investments that we can make so as to be more productive in the near future. They told me and my wife that today's investment possibilities are plenty and to name a few, they mentioned about stocks investing as well as mutual fund. Beforehand, a friend of mine shared with me his blog on stocks but due to my other interests plus other commitments, I did not take a serious look on this one.

          Meanwhile, as the days went by, I pondered on this topic and thought that maybe, I could give myself a try on this venture. Thus, I am starting to read and read more on stocks with the aim of having more knowledge on this.  The more that I read, the more complications like terminologies and systems that came to me. However, I told myself that all these complications are but  simply part of the process of learning.

         Then, I tried to compare this new venture now to life. That as we go on our individual journeys, we also pass by different situations some more complex than others. However at the end of the day, everything boils down then to our ability to make decisions. We either can accept the complications in life or not. And as I constantly mentioned in my posts, we should always be ready to face the consequences of our daily choices may they be positive or not. 

Friday, 4 September 2015

It's Weekend Once Again

          Every weekend, we tend to make lots of things depending on our priorities at times, connecting with others is always our priority. Why then we put importance on every weekend? Inside our minds, we can come up with so many reasons and one of those is that it is on this time of the week that we could find moment of relaxation from our whole week's activities. 

photo credit: Yee Haa! via photopin (license)
         Yes, the whole week is most oftentimes a busy routine for each one of us. Whatever our preoccupations could be during the week (work, studies, being with friends, being with children, etc. ), we spend much our time and energy on them thus it is but natural for us that when Fridays come, we feel like we are totally burn out from all these hectic schedules. As a result, we try to look for something that can help us recharge like going out with friends even at Friday nights, then others would see to it that Saturdays and Sundays are spent with loved ones like going to the beach, engaging in mountain trekking activities or fruit picking etc.. 

          As a whole, these weekend activities allow us to be revitalised and be ready again to face the coming week's challenges after all, life is always on its continuing process and cycle and it is up to us how to keep pace with all its complexities. Enjoy your weekend everyone. 

Friday, 28 August 2015

Effects of Online Games on Children

The proliferation of online activities nowadays are getting so popular. Online activities such as online games, trading, marketing, blogging and many more. My focus of sharing at this time is on the impact of online games like Nickelodion on children. Nevertheless, it is my observation that nowadays, children as early as 3 years old (or maybe there are those younger than that age bracket), they are already exposed to the online world of games.

Varieties of these online games can be in the form of online games for kids, for girls, for ipads, etc. and one advantage of this is that at such  early stage, they are already exposed to the modern world of technology. They need though to cope with the cadence of the times thus allowing them to be in with what is considered as advancement of this modern era.


On the contrary, there is also that risk that exposing our children to such development at that early stage would result to negative effects such as being manipulative, too relying on the internet (thus depriving them the chance to explore further), being too curious on things (others might happen to be not yet that appropriate for them ).

Thus, if we, adults, will try to check the situation of our children nowadays wisely, we therefore play a very significant role in this critical stage of their life and development. One of those demands on us is to be able to equate quality time for them. Our hectic schedules are not valid excuses for us to deprive our children with sufficient and desired upbringing. Whatever things that we impart with them today will impact less or more their life. Thus, may we all become effective bringers of good qualities to our children.  

Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Difference Between Commitment and Interest

A Guest Post:

          There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient for you. When you are committed to something, you accept it with no excuses, only results.

the guest writer

         Most people are interested on what people will say on things that they do, they contribute, they share, as well as give, then it makes them feel good, they feel they hold the world, they feel people owed their lives to them. For some, they feel people are helpless without them and they feel that others can't do things without them, great in the eyes of the people.  

          On the other hand, if you are committed, you do something for people's lives, because you feel that they need it, because you feel what they feel and because without saying it, you can feel their silence, you can feel the beat of their hearts, you can see the reflexes of their eyes, and you can feel that they are thirsty and hungry, and you are committed, not in the eyes of the camera, or being aired on radio or being publicised, and that because you commit yourself to the people and to God. 

Hence, with these two varying sides, what's your choice? Be consistent to what you believe or not.

Guest Writer:
Jojo Dofiles
Chief Operating Officer
One Avenue Hotel
Digos City, Philippines

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Happy Weekend Everyone

          It's weekend once again and such a feeling that another day is spent in such a precious way. Being in the company of our loved ones like our family, relatives, friends and other significant people in our life is such a motivation to wake up each single day on a high note and with much enthusiasm. This world has been hounded by so vast improvements that others may be driven to the negative way thus resulting in the extreme in the severing of his relationship with his loved ones hence it is always beneficial to stay back once in a while and reflect what is the present state of our life. 

imagecredit: http://isorepublic.com/skiing-in-italy/

          If we take a look on the other way around then we can also think that it boils down to our own responsibility to constantly allow every single day to become an avenue to grow in our relationships with others. As a result, we also need to be ready to accept every consequence of our choice either it could be negative or the other way around. 

          Every moment becomes so special if we allow it to be and every time we spend with others become a memorable one if both individuals or parties experience a sort of growth as a person and as an individual. And as we enjoy this weekend, may we also push for a while and check where are we exactly in these relationships. 

          Happy weekend everyone and continue to grow for a better tomorrow for yourself and for others.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

SAying Goodbye To this Month

  Since this month is already slowly fading away, for sure variety of things are also going on in our minds. And with this reality, many among us expect surprises for the coming new month like having holidays, having a new partner or baby in life, experiencing a new environment and many more. How about you, what is your attitude as you welcome a new month?

          Whatever your self made preparation could be yet, there are several ways to  welcome the coming new month and this could be: sharing your gifts like life, time, skills and others with others. As each new day unfolds, there are several events that involve al of us.  However, when we will start soon the month of June, we can right away see the excitement and lively spirit of our brothers and sisters who are very excited to live out the day by day event of the month.

           On the other hand, may we always remember the journey of those who are presently experiencing challenges (no matter what it is) and trials among us these days. Each day, every one is busy to think of what to give as a surprise to somebody on this month yet we are also aware that many are even underprivileged to even think of any give away.

           On the other hand, what is consoling is the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood among us that no matter how hard life can be, there would always be reasons to be positive especially the month of June.

Friday, 17 April 2015

"Not Just to Heal The Wounds, But To Stop The Blows"

          These are the powerful words of Dr. John Falzon, Chief Executive Officer of St. Vincent De Paul Society. He shared these challenging words on his message not only to all members of the Society but to everyone. 

          One of the noteworthy activities of St. Vincent De Paul Society is providing shelter to those homeless individuals. But their good deeds don't cease there since they also provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, and company. 

          The problem on poverty and the consequences like homelessness is experienced even by the wealth countries such as such as Australia. If we could take a look at the statistics given by the St. Vincent De Paul Society's National Overview 2014, in Australia alone there is one homeless person in every 200 individuals. And in the 2011 census, there are 105,257 reported Australians who are homeless. 

          Thus, this part of the report just shows that even rich countries like Australia is encountering this kind of alarming situation. Hence it is so great to know that there are generous organisations such as St. Vincent De Paul Society that organise and facilitate concrete actions to alleviate the conditions of those unfortunate members of society. 

          And may there be more individuals who are willing to share and offer their blessings to help the poor. After all we are equal regardless of differences in age, colour, race, etc.. 

Share love and live life to the fullest. 

Source: St. Vincent De Paul Society
              National Overview 2014

Monday, 30 March 2015

Appreciate Every Single Day

          We are nearing to the end of this month. How do you assess your activities for this month? Were you satisfied for all the accomplishments you have had during the month? Were you aware of those events and activities wherein you failed or seemingly way below your life standard? Were you able to share the gift of your life to others? Did others become agents of change to you and help you discover more yourself?


          These are some of life's questions that we can throw to ourselves while looking back on every single day of our life. Everyday we are accorded with the opportunity to discover more our being wonderful creatures. Through the events and people we encounter and meet every single day, we are able to see and feel concretely how is it to be loved and to love others. 

          Through them, we are able to ponder our own giftedness. Thus it is but fitting for us to be appreciative to every single day that is given to us for through it, we can extend ourselves to others and in return, we will also receive blessings from others' own giftedness. Learn to share and share to learn. 

Friday, 27 February 2015

The Beauty of Each New Day

           As each new day passes by, everything that comprised it indeed becomes a concrete manifestation of how blessed we are. From the initial activity that we have like waking up, the sharing early morning breakfast with our loved ones and even at work, everything is placed on its proper place. The energy we receive from our mates as well hence gives us that positive vibes from them. That's our personal experience- that when we and those people around us are  showing positive vibrations, tasks and relationships tend to become light.

          Moreover, I constantly believe that the moment that we radiate positive aura to others, we will also receive similar aura in exchange. Being positive goes along with one's ability to stay focus in all things to be accomplished.

              Hence, it is with such awe and thanksgiving that I thank this God for ushering me to stay focus in everything that I do each day of my life. And may this be my prayer that I will unceasingly focus on each thing and moment  so that I can also obtain special and treasured moments  in both my relationships and tasks.  

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Are You Ready To Pass it On?

          The last time I made a post on this blog, I was challenging everyone of us to learn to share whatever blessings that we have received in our life. If we are just sensitive to our everyday journey, then we will surely be aware that every now and then, gifts in any form come to our life. We don't really have to be spending much time just to acknowledge every blessing in our life. Just by the fact that we are alive and kicking, that's exactly the most reliable and concrete manifestation of our being so fortunate enough on this beautiful world of ours. 



      Experience wise would tell us how we tend to disregard some blessings in our life for the past times. That instead of embracing them and be grateful, we tend to focus our attention on what we don't have and that others fortunately possess. We surrender to the needs of our bodies thus neglecting to see the blessings right in front of us. However, as they say, when evening comes,  another dawn comes in. Thus, we don't need to deal on the negative issues in our life rather we should be optimistic to dwell on our new tomorrow.

          This journey ends in so many ways, hence we should enjoy its every moment and we should share with others its every blessing for all on this world is but temporary and what would only last is the memory that we make each day.