Saturday, 18 October 2014

How To Share Positive Energy To Others

          As  human beings, it is but a basic need for you and me to possess that sense of respect and self dignity. This could be attained in different ways like achieving our goals in life, building relationships and sharing positive energies with others. 

          I recently read an article by an HR expert named Susan Heathfield and she's talking about how then could we show appreciation on others in the workplace. I think that situation  is but similar to our day to day living. To quote a few of what she shared on her article, here are 3 ways to make other people happy.

1. "Praise something your coworker has done well" - Source:

          And in fact, if we will apply that to our everyday living, that is exactly one of our basic needs- recognition. We need affirmation and we receive that when other give praise and recognition to whatever positive and constructive thing that we accomplished. Meanwhile,to give praise is not really difficult yet at times, what stop us from doing so is our own insecurity that instead of praising the other person for what he/she has done, unknowingly or knowingly, we want to receive it on ourselves. The challenge therefore is how to stay humble and be generous in sharing these praises.

2. "Say THANK YOU. Show your appreciation for others' hard work and contributions." - Source:

          In relation to giving praises, learn as well to express gratitude to whatever good deeds others may have done to you and to others. For some it is a difficult thing to do yet if it becomes a habit then this could then be a simple task to do. And it takes a day to day practice to be able to do it by heart.

3. "Ask your coworkers about their family, their hobby, their weekend or a special event they attended." - Source:

          Through this process, it shows your interest on the other person. Building relationships is a long time process and even small details need to be given essence so that they will emerge as motivators to strengthen the connection. Yes, it could be true that several things consistenty pre- occupy each of our days however if we value our inter-relationships with others then we need to exert extra effort so as to give them importance and that includes knowing anything that is special to them.

          To end, those 3 above are but just a few of the ways in order for us to develop our relationship with others. No one among us can exist and live by his/her lonesome. We need each other so we will also make efforts to build bridges so that we can cross each other's life (but never to overdo anything).

Author's Note:
Susan Heathfield- expert on Human Resources and author of Top 10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Employees

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Courage Through Faith

imagecredit: Flordeliza Bernardino Eyles

          Struggles in life come in so innumerable forms. Nobody could ever deny that but somehow those who survive their trials will claim that they are able to do so owing to the fact that they hold in themselves that firm and constant faith in their God. Everyday in our life, we experience different situations- some are merely trivial ones yet others could become so significant that if ever we reflect on them, we will realise though that they emerge as our pathway to be strong in this battlefield of life. 

         Constantly dealing with the everyday challenges of life, we feel that at times, we can't go on anymore...that it is too much for us to continue with this kind of life so full of trials and sufferings. On the other hand, it is then in this moment of emptiness and desolation that we are in need of somebody else to make us strong and firm. 

          Thus comes our conviction and faith on our God. And no matter what name we attribute to this God, in His eyes, we are all the same....we are all special in His love that no one will be neglected and set aside. Nevertheless it is but fitting for us to express to Him our gratitude for the gift of strength and perseverance for these two virtues allow us to move ahead and get up every time we fall down due to problems and inconsistencies in life.