Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Be Inspired!

          As each day unfolds, we are leave with so many opportunities to be happy. Thus allow me to share with you some means of inspirations that will usher us into gladness and satisfaction in life. I am sharing you this video and from it you can fill yourself with various quotes on happiness. Enjoy them and feel them inside of you.

 videocredit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMvVjLq_tmGBS0-i6PabeEA

          Anyway, I know that those who have watched this video have received inspirations from them. Hope you can find time to share them here.

Personally, I would  share these insights as my inspirations while reading these quotes here.

a.  I love mankind, it is people I can't stand.- Charles Monroe Schultz .......i would agree with this since as a human being, we have that need to be connected with one another. Yet at times, we can't help it but be affected and disturbed by others who have weird outlook about life and about humanity. Anyway we are all free and what goes along with this freedoms is our responsibility to treat each human individual with dignity and respect.

b. Always forgive your enemies.- We could not deny that no matter how kind and trustworthy we are but there would still be people out there who will come out to dislike us. As they said, we can't please everybody thus we ought to choose what then can make us happy, contented and fulfilled in life.

c. I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members- Groucho Marx- We all need a support group in our life. One of our basic needs is that of being accepted hence it is but natural for us to look for a group, community, club etc that can accept us in all our humanity no matter how unique or simple we are.

          That's all folks that I can share with you. Hope that I can also hear some inspirations coming from your own reflections. Any comment is very much welcomed.

Friday, 11 July 2014

My Week's Activities

           Another week....another set of remarkable experiences....experiences that would allow me to look back and express gratitude for everything that has come and go in my life. Indeed this "wine" deserves to be shared with others....yes this very own life that is so treasured and precious.

           After spending the five days this week in work, I can express that life is so wonderful since it has been a wonderful week for me. Being able to fulfil my commitment to my work and being able to contribute to the company gives me a positive feeling of being worthy of all the attention and affection by my mates.
           The moments I spent with my loved one- my wife is always the best of all my times this week. That in spite and in the midst of all my other weekly and daily activities as well as responsibilities, I always see to it that I am able to fulfil my responsibility to my wife especially by giving her the attention and care that she rightly deserves all her life.

        On the other hand, my time spend with my mates and others whom I have encountered in the duration of this week contributed to this week being another  fantabulous week. With all these experiences, the more than I am looking forward to each week that comes my way.